Ultra Tesla Seat
Strengthen your pelvic floor, bring back your confidence.
Weak pelvic floor muscles affect millions of people around the world and cause many unwanted side effects for both men and women, from lower back pain to urinary incontinence.
The Ultra Tesla Seat uses High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic technology that causes supramaximal muscle contractions to strengthen the pelvic floor effectively and, in turn, address undesired symptoms of weak pelvic floor muscles.
The Ultra Tesla Seat effectively addresses various aspects of pelvic floor dysfunction using High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic (HIFEM) technology. This method induces deep, supramaximal pelvic floor muscle contractions, which are not achievable through voluntary exercises. A single 28-minute session on the Ultra Tesla Seat can stimulate over 19,000 contractions, equivalent to performing thousands of Kegel exercises. This intense activity strengthens the muscles, enhances bladder control, and improves pelvic health. The comprehensive engagement of the pelvic floor muscles helps in treating urinary incontinence, enhancing sexual function, and correcting mild forms of pelvic organ prolapse. This efficient, non-invasive approach ensures a robust and effective treatment regime for those suffering from pelvic floor dysfunction, providing significant improvements in muscle strength and functionality.
Benefits for Women
​Treatment of Incontinence
Improved pelvic floor strength
Improved sexual function & satisfaction
Improved urogenital organ support
Benefits for Men
​Treatment of Incontinence
Improved pelvic floor strength
Treatment of erectile dysfunction
Increased sensitivity during intercourse